InMotion is a full range hosting service that offers the following at various budget-friendly prices:
- Shared hosting
- Reseller hosting
- VPS hosting
- Dedicated Hosting
The additional benefit of purchasing from InMotion is due to the various features included in their offered packages such as:
- Unlimited disk space
- Unmetered transfer of files
- Unlimited email accounts
- Number of Allowable domains
- Free use of website builder applications
- Use of cPanel
But the main selling point of purchasing an InMotion package is that it has a longer money back guarantee at 90 days when compared to the 45 days from other website providers.
QuickTagger Application
The InMotion website provider is able to support Google Analytics by assessing the type of visitors that visit the business owner’s website. This is categorically done by using the QuickTagger application included in the cPanel of InMotion. The purpose of this QuickTagger application is to determine which posted or published links from other websites have the highest number of visitors. QuickTagger is an easy to use application that does all the coding for the website owner that do not have the time to learn programing codes. QuickTagger will generate an extended link that can be interpreted by Google and to tally up the visitor information under Google Analytics.
The additional benefit of using QuickTagger is that a shortened link is generated from tweetburner, which will give additional information about the geo-demographics of the recent website visitors. The practical application of Google Analytics is that the information will reveal what publicized links are effectively working to promote the business website. The ending result is that the website owner will increase their publicized links in the website with the highest number of generated visitors. The website owner will decrease the publicized links in websites that do not generate website visitors.
Website owners that want to make use of Google Analytics will need to create a Google account before the Analytics service will be activated. By this time Google will recommend how to make use of a snippet of code to be inserted in the website pages that are linked to the business owner’s website. The purpose of the code is to reveal the movement or analytics of the website page to the website owner. Each of the website pages that has to be tracked will need to have the snippet of code since not including the code will result in no generated data.
The code snippet must be inserted at the middle of the <head> and </head> tags but this is dependent on the fact whether the website uses PHP or HTML. The reason for this is that PHP built websites have a separate file for the headers, and that the code must be inserted in the separate file. HTMP built websites can be opened in an editor software and that the code snipped must be placed before the closing </head> tag.
Multiple Websites
It is advised by InMotion developers that the website owner will have to get a different snippet of code for each of the website included in their InMotion account. The reason for this is that the website owner will not be able to accurately assess the Google Analytics if all the information is included together. The purpose of the Google Analytics is to determine whether each of the websites is successfully attracting their targeted visitors or buyers.
Using a single database for all the websites will mitigate the purpose of using Google Analytics. The additional benefit of using Google Analytics is that the website owner will be able to determine which of its websites are generating the highest number of visitors so that the links in the more popular websites are increased.