Top Nine Joomla Extensions

Joomla is designed to be a content management system, but when applying this program in website building, you will need to use features known as extensions. The five extensions are: Modules, Plug-Ins, Languages, Templates and Components. Joomla can also be used to manage and edit a website. Here is a list of the top ten Joomla extensions:
Akeeba Backup
Akeeba is an open source backup component meant to backup your website data; it does this by creating a site backup in the form of a single archive that you can use to restore on a Joomla capable server. It has the advantage of creating a backup of all files, database snapshots and a Joomla installer. This whole process is powered by AJAX and can be used for massive websites
Better Preview
This can modify the URL preview button that can be found in the Joomla Administrator, so that it is similar to the object that you are viewing. It also sees that all menus and modules are ideally placed throughout the website and can also perform a smart search to look for a specific item from the menu.
JCE Editor
This enables the Joomla Administrator to edit content and website design or layout. It gives you the ability to create the content how you want and what you want irrespective of whether you are knowledgeable about things like CSS, HTML, XHTML etc. use the JC Editor to add and modify images into your content, connect various departments and categories throughout your website using integrated Spellchecking, links.
AllVideos is an extension that manages your all media present on a website to give you rich media content; it can also embed videos from popular media sites like Metacafe, YouTube into content items; you can also view the embedded videos from a remote server.
Art Sexy Lightbox Lite
It is a free pop-up used for local images and has the basic functionality that we find in the Art Sexy Lightbox extension. It shows all local photo and photo groups with a light box effect. It is highly customizable and can support multiple galleries.
This is a plug-in that can be integrated into Joomla. It is a free GPL integration that enables universal user integration; it does this by expanding the Joomla user frame work without the support of core hacks. Users use a single password to login to all software; you can also upgrade soft wares without making any changes to JFusion.
AcyMailing Starter
This Joomla plug-in allows email marketing by creating a database of customer emails, you can also use this to send out auto responders, newsletters etc. It is a foolproof way to stay connected to your subscribers.
Display News
This tool is used for content publishing, positioning it vertically or horizontally and show case content to the user in a user defined format. It gives you a whole lot of flexibility in the presentation of content and also allows compilation of output from HTML tags and content elements.
Joom Gallery
This is a gallery component that shows, detail images, thumbnail images and original images, you also have Exif and IPTC image data support, geo tagging, dingle image downloads.