대구룸알바 O1O.5804.1523 k톡 DG5882 동성로룸알바 동대구룸알바 수성구룸보도

대구룸알바 O1O.5804.1523 k톡 DG5882 동성로룸알바 동대구룸알바 수성구룸보도

대구룸알바 O1O.5804.1523 k톡 DG5882 동성로룸알바 동대구룸알바 수성구룸보도
대구룸알바 O1O.5804.1523 k톡 DG5882 동성로룸알바 동대구룸알바 수성구룸보도

대구룸알바 O1O.5804.1523 k톡 DG5882 동성로룸알바 동대구룸알바 수성구룸보도

It is holding on for quite some time without going out.

Something that looks like a baby lizard squirming……!

Sigh, I see a lot of nonsense today.The lizard that was

writhing around also disappeared.A small bonfire (actua

lly, it can’t even be called a bonfire) is still burning. I’m in

the mountains.A fire is never lit. At most, it is a fire the si

ze of my palm. Do you happen to see it at the Forest Se

rvice?morePlease forgive me.) It seems like I can sometime

s see a lizard floating in the air inside.But… I need to stop t

hinking in vain and stop the fire. As expected, the smell be

comes stronger when there is smoke.I deeply smelled the s

mell of burning leaves and rained my non-cold hands on t

대구룸알바 O1O.5804.1523 k톡 DG5882 동성로룸알바 동대구룸알바 수성구룸보도

he remaining embers.It was worn.Meanwhile, it seemed to

be well past noon.I’m quite hungry and if I don’t go down q

uickly, my stomach will ache by the time I get down to the

bottom of the mountain.It may stick to leather.Well, I don’t

usually eat on time, but I have to eat when I’m hungry.I am

However, I moved on without haste.After passing the [No En

try Prohibited] sign again, follow the hiking trail where peop

le come and go and go down the valley.started to go.Nt ma

ny people came down yet.People climbing the mountain al

ong the hiking trail, perhaps because of people coming aft

er work on a Saturday afternoonThere were a lot of these.

대구룸알바 O1O.5804.1523 k톡 DG5882 동성로룸알바 동대구룸알바 수성구룸보도

For some reason, it felt strange that I was going down alo

ne while everyone else was going up.It feels like I’m in a di

fferent world from other people…In fact, usually when othe

r people get off work, it’s when I go to work, and when ot

her people wake up.Although I have lived a life of sleeping o

n time, I am still in a situation where I am going against the

grain.I felt like energy was something foreign.A mineral spring

was seen next to the valley. Even though I wasn’t, I was thirsty

so I thought it was a good thing.I headed to the mineral spring.