【VIP알바】 밤알바 유흥알바 당일알바 업소알바 노래방알바

【VIP알바】 밤알바 유흥알바 당일알바 업소알바 노래방알바
supported the income ofHowever, instead of decreasing, the number of
monsters continued to increase.New humanity responded by developin
g powerful magic.The range of magic gradually expanded, including magi
c that burns monsters by creating flames, as well as strengthening one’s
own body and weakening monsters.However, in proportion to that, the
monsters also gradually increased in number and became stronger.
No matter how hard the new human race tried to subdue the monster
s, it was meaningless.Even when a large-scale monster extermination o
peration was carried out, the next month was a daily repetition in which
【VIP알바】 밤알바 유흥알바 당일알바 업소알바 노래방알바
the number of monsters increased even more than before the extermin
ation.And while the new human race was suffering from monsters, I inve
stigated the cause of the emergence of monsters.Well, the cause was eas
ily revealed just by organizing the information obtained from the drone.
Simply put, the cause of the occurrence of monsters was ‘magic’ itself.
Due to the use of magic, 『magic residue』, or 『pollutant』, was generate
d in the air.And the pollutants were inhaled by animals and plants, and t
hey became ferocious and turned into monsters.That was the reason the
monster was born.In addition, the fact that the magical power conversion
efficiency of modern magic is very poor compared to ancient magic also
【VIP알바】 밤알바 유흥알바 당일알바 업소알바 노래방알바
contributed to this.At most, only about 30% is converted into magic, and
70% of the magic power is released outside the body as magic residue.
In reality, there are almost no monsters in the forests where the long-eare
d race lives, while all the great nations that actively use modern magic suf
fer from monsters without exception.So, if animals and plants become mon
sters, why don’t new humans become monsters?The reason was simple. Thi
s is because magical organs were protecting the body from pollutants.
Even if a person cannot use magic, as long as he has it as an organ in hi
s body, he will never become a monster.Even if a little bit of magic residue e
nters the body, the magic organs absorb it as nutrition, so there is no way fo
r it to become a monster.