대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 청주룸알바 노은동룸알바 노은동보도사무실

대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 청주룸알바 노은동룸알바 노은동보도사무실
Suddenly, an explosion sounded from the north side of th
e palace.A group of magic spears that suddenly rained dow
n on the northern castle wall exploded, blowing away the
court magicians who were shooting magical bullets towards
the ground from the watchtower on the castle wall.The defen
der’s defensive firepower weakens for an instant, and more m
agic spears are fired in response.The cheers of the rebel line in
fantry that continued to echo around the area informed Gene
ral Mihirzen, who was in command of the defensive war, of th
e changes in the country.「Communication report from 1st Co
mpany, 2nd Battalion! The enemy magic spear directly hits th
e 2nd Battalion headquarters. “Major Richter and others, the
battalion headquarters is judged to have been completely de
stroyed.”A guard officer running from the rear reports withou
대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 청주룸알바 노은동룸알바 노은동보도사무실
t even saluting.After Mihirzen stops moving for a moment, as
if frozen, he asks:“What is the situation in the theater in char
ge of the 2nd Battalion?”The sound was suppressed, and he d
idn’t show any signs of agitation.“The situation in front of the No
rth Gate is in trouble. The enemy magic spear unit is concentrati
ng its attack on the support firepower of the North Gate Defense
Tower and the elimination of the support magic soldiers. It is believe
d to be a sign that we will soon move to an all-out attack. “Currently
, the command of the Northern Area Garrison is served by Captain I
bsen, the 1st Company Commander.”Upon hearing his subordinate’s re
port, the general agreed without changing his expression.Deployment
대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 청주룸알바 노은동룸알바 노은동보도사무실
of siege engines. By the time this was done, the garrison guarding the
northern side of the castle had suffered major damage.If the defense
tower still has a protective barrier alive, it may be maintained for a wh
ile, but the mages who were conducting a defensive battle in the wat
chtower of the castle wall, where the barrier was already nullified, wer
e mostly struck by the previous blow — probably from the heat wave
spear — most of them. It would have been swept away.Since one of t
he gates protecting the four sides of the palace has collapsed, there
is no point in guarding this place anymore.If we continue to hold o
n like this for too long, at worst, our route of retreat may be cut off
by the rebels coming from the north.“Send a communication to the w
대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 청주룸알바 노은동룸알바 노은동보도사무실
estern and northern garrisons. We close the gate and retreat into the
castle. “Each defense tower must hold its current position until furth
er orders and delay the enemy’s advance!”The guard officer who re