대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 대전바알바 유성바알바 대전유흥알바

대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 대전바알바 유성바알바 대전유흥알바
Perhaps it was the preconceptions they had about the So
viet Union that gave the Moravians a dark impression remin
iscent of mourning clothes.That may be due to the atmosph
ere surrounding the Soviet Union’s people.On the surface, th
e diplomatic mission is greeted with a friendly smile, but the
cold air surrounding him is most likely not due to the chill
of early fall.Admittedly, there are enemies here.As the Marquis
made up his mind and stepped on the trap to get down to th
e ground, a figure from the Soviet Union walked out.“I was wa
iting. Minister of Foreign Affairs, Excellency. “My name is Andre
i Yanuaryevich Vyshinsky, and I am the First Deputy of the Polit
buro of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the Peo
ple’s Commissariat for Foreign Affairs.”The foreign affairs official
대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 대전바알바 유성바알바 대전유흥알바
with carefully trimmed black hair twisted his thin lips into a smil
e and extended one hand to point to the car behind him.“From
here, I will guide you all the way to the Kremlin. Please rest com
fortably in the car.”「… … “I’m sorry about the reception you rece
ived from the Vice Minister.”Sensing something ominous in the So
viet diplomat’s superficial smile, the Marquis Runge did as he wa
s urged and boarded the car with his subordinate diplomats.
The rear door of the car opened in front of you. To the Marquis,
it looked like a wild beast with its mouth open.■ ■ ■Septem
ber 15, 1941 12:20Soviet Union Moscow KremlinLet’s go back in ti
me a bit.Around this time, the Moravian diplomatic mission took o
ff with an escort plane over a field airfield controlled by the Red
Army.At Stavka’s headquarters set up in the Kremlin, discussions a
대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 대전바알바 유성바알바 대전유흥알바
mong Politburo members were being exchanged regarding the re
quest for peace presented by the Moravian side.Above all, most of
this conversation consisted of clerical confirmation of Stalin’s deci
sions.Stalin had already decided how to respond to the Moravian si
de’s proposal.”however… … Quite a bit. The Moravian side also ca
me up with a strong plan.”The person who muttered with a bitter sm
ile was Andrei Zhdanov, the Central Committee Secretary who was
famous as one of the leading candidates for Stalin’s successor.Moon, a
lso known as the Secretary for Ideology and Cultural Affairs, advocat
d socialist realism.