대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 대전노래방알바 대전업소알바 대전고소득알바

대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 대전노래방알바 대전업소알바 대전고소득알바
In the near future, unless we can contact the royal capital, we will
understand the situation and dispatch at least some troops, but th
ere is no guarantee that the palace will be able to hold out until t
hen.Currently, the palace guards equivalent to two battalions of ma
gic soldiers are on stand-in within the palace and its grounds. Cons
idering the palace’s defense facilities, the general is confident in fi
ghting even if he is the enemy of the magic army’s reinforced reg
iment.However, the Sorcerer is using unknown weapons, such as n
ewly developed chimeras, in this rebellion, and considering the p
ower of suppressing the royal capital defense headquarters, it wil
l be a pretty bad match.“The armored corps headquarters on the o
대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 대전노래방알바 대전업소알바 대전고소득알바
utskirts of the royal capital is out of communication, so we don’t k
now what’s going on right now. However, we cannot believe that t
hose who are causing this level of unrest are neglecting Lord San
dr’s armored corps, which has the largest close combat unit of th
e Ganghwa faction.”Stifling silence casts a dark curtain over the r
oom.There were one or two high-ranking officials who had their
eyes on the table and were frantically thinking of a solution, but
the situation was extremely difficult.The enemy is at the level of
a roughly reinforced regiment, excluding experimental weapons
such as chimeras that the magician has been sending out.The po
wer is only enough to easily defeat the armored corps stationed
on the outskirts of the capital or even a part of the field army de
대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 대전노래방알바 대전업소알바 대전고소득알바
ployed on the western front if they are rescued.However, that leve
l of calculation will also be made by the rebel forces, and the pala
ce will be captured before external relief arrives. If the palace falls
and the king’s new soldiers are taken over by the rebels, the
defeat is confirmed.If they drive the King crazy or establish their
own cause in the form of an edict, it will be the Prime Minister an
d the Ganghwa faction that fall into the position of weightlifters.
If an operation to end the war is promoted under the leadership
of the Prime Minister while the King is away, the circumstances w
ill also be detrimental to the Ganghwa faction.”So far… is it?”
The prime minister was so desperate that his eyes became dizz
대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 대전노래방알바 대전업소알바 대전고소득알바
y for a moment.Seeing the old man bowed, covering his face wi
th both hands, the guard general turned into an anxious expres
sion.“Your Excellency Prime Minister. It is a difficult situation, but
if your Excellency says so―――」A general who can’t hold back a
nd tries to give advice to the prime minister who is about to los
e his mind.At that time, there was a knock on the door from outsi
de the room.After clicking his tongue slightly, the general raised his
voice with a hint of impatience.“I am currently in talks with the Pri
me Minister. “Go away!”