【VIP알바】 노래방알바 유흥알바 고소득알바 룸보도

【VIP알바】 노래방알바 유흥알바 고소득알바 룸보도
Popov answered while recalling the face of Lieutenant General Konst
antin Pyadyshiv, Deputy Commander of the Military District.He was
a man who majored in the civil war, earned two Red Flag medals, a
nd was also the principal of a military academy in the 1930s.He has
led many training and maneuver exercises, and has gained fame an
d popularity both as a military scholar and as a human being.From
what Popov has seen, he seems to be shrewd in social interactions
and able to listen to the opinions of others.Veteran generals he kno
ws, including Dukhanov, even praise him as “the best general in the
Leningrad area.”「… … If you recommend it that far, I’ll leave it to y
ou.”Kuznetsov tilted his head but agreed.“Anyway, establishing a de
【VIP알바】 노래방알바 유흥알바 고소득알바 룸보도
fense line in front of the city and fortifying the city is an urgent prio
rity. The situation is… Depending on how you look at it, it’s worse th
an before Finland, but it has to end quickly. Comrade Stalin is also
worried.”“I know that… … In any case, let alone fortifying the city, the
equipment we currently have is not enough to defend the vast and
empty coastline. Regarding supply allocation, we hope for more pre
ferential treatment than before.”At Popov’s words, a shadow appeare
d on Kuznetsov’s expression for a moment.“Yes, anyway, let’s consi
der supply as much as possible.… … Even so, the deployment of the
new T-34 and KV-1 will likely be delayed.”“Why?”“An instruction cam
e from the center. In the city’s factory area, production facilities rela
【VIP알바】 노래방알바 유흥알바 고소득알바 룸보도
ted to metallurgy and machinery were given priority to be evacuat
ed to the rear.”“Are you saying that we can’t protect this to the end?”
“I don’t really have any doubts about the Red Army’s capabilities. “I
t will be difficult in the current situation where proper depth is no
t secured.”「… … surely”First of all, the building is camouflaged by co
vering it with a camouflage net or painting it with paint, but this doe
s not change the fact that it is physically defenseless.